Wednesday, May 29, 2013

An Outfit Post! And My Squeaker Boys!

 How do you like my squeaker sons?! Aren't they cute as ever!!!  The two in the hammock are Rey and Sheamus, and right above looking all cute is Mick...
 Here's what I wore for work yesterday...
Shoes/Pants: Express/Forever 21
Shirt: Hot Topic
Bow Necklace/Kitty Necklace: XOThePinkLife/Black Tulip Shop
Eyeball Bow Hair Clip: Queen Rat

I got ALOT of compliments on my outfit today!  

Most of my accessories come from awesome Etsy shops which I have mentioned in various posts, including this one!  I always support handmade by other folks! There are sooooo many talented peeps out there making great things I am willing to fork over hard earned money for! GO HANDMADE!
 At my local hangout with my hubby getting a pick me up on this cloudy rainy day!  Yummy Cold Taro Milk Tea! I like it not only cause of the sweetness, but it's a cool pastel lavender color!  I eat andI drink anything that's a cool color!
And see the cute characters on my cup??? thought you'd like it!

I am ordering some paints, canvases, and an easel online today, I used to be an art major in college, and I sure miss painting, so an upcoming post may show the works of some really cute paintings!

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