Sunday, May 19, 2013

Accessories And Such A Messy Workspace!

Ok, remember on my first post I said that I live in the Midwest  well living here is great and all, but finding kawaii accessories here and especially on the cheap is more difficult than winning a spelling bee!  But when chips are down and I am going through a local accessory hunt dry spell, I always resort to online ordering.  I know it kind of goes against my blog mission statement, but seriously, I can easily go for months on a kawaii haul dry spell, if it weren't for the invention of the world wide web!  It also helps that you have a love for craftiness!  Like for instance, check out my comb buddies!  all you need is to acquire cheap plastic combs, you can find these anywhere for cheap online! and simply glue on googly eyes to give them personality! takes like only 2 minutes for all 3 to be assembled!  Aren't they cheeky little guys?

 These are also assembled by my own 2 hands, I took some unused cabs and glued them onto cheap plastic plates from a plastic tea set, and glued an alligator clip on the back, they can go in your hair and/or your cardigan! these took about 10 minutes, not including the drying time for the glue....

Everyday I spend at least 10 minutes trying to choose which bow to wear that day...i have dozens, most i bought, very few I have made. 

I need another phone case fix! I don't have too many! 

My sweet Monster High ladies! 

Another selfie of me hold my most fave vintage my little pony, my little "masquerade". And no i will not trade her or sell her, she was hard to find, and I would have to leave this in my will for anyone to get even the slightest chance of getting her, especially in the wonderful condition she is in for being nearly 30 years old!

My messy work space, i never have time to clean and spruce it up I swear! 

Me and my baby girl....she always takes great pics, why the hell didn't i enter her in a calendar contest?! 

more of my accessories, they are so much fun to get, do you think??

Today is my day off from work, but last night started getting this wicked sore throat! I even right now it still feels awful!, But i had plans to go see the star trek movie with my hubby, won't let a sore throat get in my way! until next time!

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