Saturday, May 18, 2013

My First Post, A Little Bit About Me!

Hi Y'all! Welcome to my blog!

My Mission:
I have a huge interest in the Kawaii/Lolita lifestyle, in addition, I am a geek and living here in the midwest poses more of a challenge to find events/adventures/hauls of the lifestyle I chose for myself.  So this blog is to document my kawaii/geeky adventures, showing those that living in more remote locations , one can still have loads of fun! I hope to not only reach my lady readers, but hoping my adventures draws in the fellas too! 

About Me:
Hi y'all! I'm Lauren from the midwest, residing in a tiny town in Nebraska! I live between 2 big cities, which give me my only escape from small town life!  I am happily married to my college sweetheart for nearly 5 years, (he is nerdy and geeky too!)  I am a crazy cat lady and own 3 amazing pet kitties, all 3 females!  I also have 3 pet male rats, 2 parakeets, and 1 beta fish!  I have no human babies, we decided to wait a very long time for mini me's to show up!  I live to create, I make jewelry and accessories for myself, I love to shop, go on kawaii/antique hunts, go to fun restaurants, my favorite dessert is the french macaroon!  I work full time outside of my home, so only a couple days out of the week I have to myself to play in my dreamland!  I am an avid collector of Monster High Dolls, Beanie Babies, vintage 80's/90's toys decorate my entire house, and yes I still love stuffed animals!  I hope you all enjoy whats to come on my blog posts!

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