Friday, June 14, 2013

Jam Packed Post!

 Hello everybody!  Sorry for my lack of posts, I have been super duper busy these last couple of weeks. This is a post jammed packed tight with multiple days and photos!
 This is how I looked for one of my work days! I just love my bear clippy!!
 My hubby made this risotto, it had saffron in it, it was sooooo good!
 This is me on my 5th wedding anniversary!  It was a wonderful day!
 Was at a farmer's market, and caught a snap of these beautiful flowers! The pink was so lively and bright! I want an article of clothing in that colour!

 Went to Omaha for a getaway day trip with my man, and stopped by this anime store!
 I picked up this anime figurine....
 Also got this Tuxedo Sam Penguin Plush!
 And also picked up this cute ChocoCat Ring!

 Also drove 300 miles back to my parent's home to rest and relax for 3 days before returning to my crazy work life!  I miss the Kansas Wheat fields!
 The old lady kitty that lives at my parent's, this is Scarlet, She just turned 17 back on the 6th (and also on my wedding anniversary!)
 Back home, took a nap, and this is what I wore for a shopping excursion!  

 Mmmmmmm.....NOODLES! My hubby got off work early and took me out to this Vietnamese place, and I decided to get a big ass bowl of noodles!  
 This is a really cool photo I took! Wheat and pastels always look good together!
Spikey Bracelets.

Now I am home, watching TV and snuggling with my cats, but I have to return to work today! eeeeek!

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